We have a new website!

Just for fun, I looked back through my records to see when I first became involved with building the website for ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter. Yeah, I'm that nerdy.

My name is Kent Signorini and I've been maintaining the ASHRAE NAC website since 2005! Since then, we've gone through four major iterations of the site, with this "new for 2018-2019" version being the fifth major change since I started.

When I came on board, our website was a conglomeration of Microsoft Word-to-HTML files, Microsoft Frontpage, hand-coded files, and some Dreamweaver thrown in for fun. It needed an upgrade for sure.

In 2006 we commissioned a new website, completely hand-coded by a contractor. Although the base code was simple enough, maintenance was a headache. Within a year or so, I rebuilt the site in Wordpress and went through two iterations with Wordpress as a base. Some of it was customized and I re-coded some of the PHP and HTML by hand to give us the functionality we needed. I had a lot of help from Jennifer McKenzie (our ASHRAE NAC administrator at the time) who helped with initial design ideas and took care of the week-to-week maintenance and updating of the site.

In 2010 we went through another iteration, this time moving to Drupal. Drupal was amazingly powerful. Many features were built into the site that we, ultimately, just never used. That version has stayed in operation for nearly eight years. Eight years! Again, it was time for a change.

All of these self-hosted sites were stored at an online webhost that provided us storage space, database access, and FTP and SSH (secure shell) access. Much of the maintenance was done at the shell command line or by using web based UNIX tools like PHPMyAdmin. For a nerd like me, it was great fun, but it was also a ton of work. No need for that anymore...

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Today's websites are dynamic, clean and crisp, easy to maintain, and require little (if any) hand-coding.

The version of the website that you're reading right now is built on Squarespace; an amazing platform for website development and maintenance. I would recommend Squarespace to anyone looking for a web presence. It's easy to set up, easy to lay out, and easy to add content to.

Our new site has a simple but useful landing page with quick access to upcoming and past ASHRAE NAC events, links to a few "Featured" Nic-NACs e-Newsletter articles, lots of information on the Chapter, links to our ASHRAE Region and Society, and a simple menu system.

We've sorely missed our newsletter Nic-NACs over the past few years and now have an all-new "e" version to share with you. Visit the Nic-NACS e-Newsletter page to see both current and past articles on many subjects, written by volunteers within ASHRAE NAC. You'll find Board of Governor and Chair updates, technical articles, and more! Check back often!

I hope you enjoyed this very short history of the ASHRAE NAC websites. I look forward to seeing what can be done with this new site in the years to come.

Kent Signorini, Website/Newsletter, Past President 2009-2010

Wes Bruce - NAC President's Message 2017-2018


Welcome to another busy year of ASHRAE! I am honoured to serve as your Chapter President for the term of 2017-18, and hope you will join us for fun, fellowship, and the occasional flash of dry humour.

Our new Society President, Bjarne Olesen, Ph. D., who visited our chapter last year for a discussion on Radiant Heating Cooling Systems, recently introduced his theme of Extending our Community. Bjarne will focus on three key directives:

  • Extend our global community
  • Extend our technological horizons
  • Extend our value to members

With these directives in mind, we will cover several technical topics over the course of the year. To date, we've hosted several presentations, such as Water Quality Considerations for Humidification, as well as a discussion on Defending Primary-Secondary: A Review of Piping Design for Modern Condensing Boilers. Upcoming social events include the John Ross Curling Bonspiel, Lobsterfest, and the NAC Golf Tournament stay tuned to our website for upcoming events, and mark your calendars.

Our chapter will continue to focus on membership development; investing in our young members is critical to the success of our Society. Our new Student Activities YEA Co-chairs are busy promoting the benefits of ASHRAE to both NAIT and U of A students, and in January, well award our annual Scholarships during Students Night. Further, a Co-chair will be attending the upcoming Leadership Academy in Atlanta - a crash course on all things ASHRAE.

If you would like to volunteer with the chapter, or have any questions, ideas, comments, or concerns, please let me know.

Thanks for your support.

Wes Bruce

ASHRAE NAC Chapter President 2017-18