Women in ASHRAE Report October 2018

First WIA (Women In ASHRAE) event:

Following the lead of Calgary and Regina’s chapters, our chapter’s first WIA event will be held in the Spring! We are thinking of a wine tasting event.

To encourage diversity in our ASHRAE chapter, and give more women members an opportunity to socialize with each other, we have decided to hold a wine tasting event at a local tasting room. This will not be an event exclusive to women, but if you have women at your company who are reluctant to come to monthly meetings, this might be the ticket for them. Look for more details to come out in the next newsletter.

If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Christina Herbers. christina.herbers@aldes.com

Women in ASHRAE

By Christina Herbers, P.Eng, LEED AP, Business Development Manager, Val Temp Sales

Find me on Twitter @tinabee_77

I have been a member of ASHRAE, Northern Alberta Chapter, throughout my career as a professional mechanical engineer.  At the end of 2017, and start of 2018, I have taken a role with the board of directors, helping to plan this year's Global Giveback event

For our Global Giveback event, our chapter is bringing at least 20 members to the South Edmonton Habitat for Humanity Build.  I am excited to be involved with the board, and proud to be the only woman on our board for the upcoming 2018/19 season.

Although women are under-represented in our industry, I invite all women working in HVAC, engineering, technical and sales careers, to become active members of ASHRAE.  Come to the next event.  Ask how to get involved. 

Help us continue to build Alberta together! 

Connect with us on social media tagging us by #myashraenac