Mark Henry - Treasurer 2019-2020

I am happy to be the ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter Treasurer this year, moving on from Secretary last year. I will be looking after the chapter’s finances and helping the new Secretary transition to that position, and helping out at meetings as needed.

I’ve been on the board for six years now. My previous positions have been Secretary, Historian and YEA/SA co-chair.

When not helping out with ASHRAE, I sell HVAC equipment.

In my spare time, I like to keep active, follow the sporting and business worlds and spend time with my wife.

Devin Sikorski - Secretary 2019-2020


I was born and raised in a small farming community in northern Alberta and moved into Edmonton in 1995. I currently live in Stony Plain with my wife and 3 children. When I am not coaching or chauffeuring my kids to their endless sports activities I enjoy playing hockey, golf and am an avid bow hunter.

My industry experience started in 1999 as a Refrigeration/HVAC mechanic and eventually transitioned into the Building Automation field where I have spent the last 12 years.

I am happy to hold the role of Secretary for the ASHRAE Northern Alberta council for the 2019/2020 year. This is my fifth year on the board with my previous years being Government Affairs Committee chair and Membership Promotion chair.

Glen Tichkowsky - Co-Historian 2019-2020


This is my first year volunteering on the ASHRAE NAC board and am looking forward to help promote the history of the chapter and the industry in general.

I have been working in the HVAC industry for over 13 years as a consulting mechanical engineer focusing on mechanical design, sustainability, and energy modelling. I am an alumnus of the University of Alberta graduating in 2005 with a BSc and 2008 with a MSc, both in Mechanical Engineering.

I have lived in Edmonton my whole life. If you ask my wife or two young sons, they will tell you I spend too much time on sports – either playing, coaching, or watching.

Johann Haltiner - Co-Historian 2019-2020


I am very excited to serve this year as the ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter Historian co-chair. I will be compiling documents and items of historical value to the Chapter. This being my first year with ASHRAE, I was surprised how welcoming and friendly everyone was to newcomers. Looking forward to all of the fellowship, and camaraderie to come.

Having moved to Alberta from my home town of Montreal, I quickly decided to settle down and live my life here.  I currently work as an HVAC Counter Sales Associate.

On my time off I enjoy playing my Frame Drum, swimming, and reading.

Lyle Van Wieren - President-Elect 2019-2020


I am currently the ASHRAE NAC President Elect. As the President Elect I am in charge of booking the venues and supporting the President with their tasks.

This year I will continue the tradition of monthly ASHRAE Hockey! This will be my 6th year volunteering with the board and I look forward to continuing my volunteering over the next two years.

I have been working as a sales engineer for Exel Systems since graduating from Concordia University in Montreal seven years ago. When I’m not working or volunteering for ASHRAE you can find me spending time with my family or playing hockey.

Mike Ream - Research Promotion / Past President 2019-2020


Hello Fellow ASHRAE NAC members!

I would like to send a special thanks to all of our donors from last year, our sponsors from last year for our meetings, as well as our social events such as the golf tournament and curling event.

Research is located at the very core of ASHRAE’s existence and is what drives our industry to continuously improve on how building systems work and how buildings are designed. ASHRAE research also allows for new developments in continuing education for members and non-members and in guidelines, standards and technical information which are utilized around the world.

There are currently 59 active ASHRAE research projects around the world, with a total value of over $10 million. Since 1959, ASHRAE has sponsored 907 projects with a combined value of $76 million. 

Past projects completed by members of our chapter include “Field Testing of Building Envelope Heat Recovery During Infiltration/Exfiltration”,  “Field Testing and Analysis of High Altitude Installation of Gas-Fired Furnaces” both of which were completed by NAC Past President Mark Ackerman. As a university student, I was also involved in doing some of the literary research in my first involvement with anything ASHRAE. Another project, completed by Patrick Fleming, was “Field Performance Assessment of VAV Control Systems Before and After Commissioning.”

Without the role of the Research Promotions Chair and the annual RP fundraising campaign ASHRAE would not be able to raise money for research projects, undergrad scholarships, the ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) courses, and endowment funds.

 As this year’s RP Chair, it is my honor to work with our membership as we work towards reaching our goal of raising $13,000 to support ASHRAE Research Canada. Our Chapter will contribute to our Region's goal of nearly $200,000 with a Society goal of over $2 million each year.

If you would like to become a sponsor, donate, or help on the RP committee this year feel free to reach out to me or any member of the BOG.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the next chapter meeting and look forward to serving you as this year’s RP Chair.

Best Regards,

Michael Ream
ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter RP Chair 2019-2020

Justin Phill - Vice President 2019-2020


I am the ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter Vice President this year, moving on from my position as Treasurer last year. I’m looking forward to assisting the board to create great events for our chapter this year.

This is my fifth year on the board. I’ve previously been the chapter Treasurer, Secretary, and YEA/SA chair. I’m also on the committee to organize our CRC this year which I’m very excited to be a part of.

When not helping out with ASHRAE, I work as a Mechanical Engineer who is primarily focused on energy modelling and sustainable design.

Outside of working hours you’ll find me doing something music related, from songwriting to DJ-ing.

Chapters Regional Conference 2020


Every year, one chapter in ASHRAE Regional XI hosts the Chapters Regional Conference. The CRC is a four day long event comprising of Caucus meetings, Business Sessions, Board of Governors Chair position training, and much, much more!

From April 30 to May 2, 2020, Edmonton will be host to Delegates, Alternates, board trainees, and special guests from eleven chapters in Region XI.

Kent Signorini is the CRC 2020 Committee General Chair and Tom Jacknisky is the CRC 2020 Co-chair. As we near the date for CRC 2020, Kent, Tom, and the CRC Committee will be looking for volunteers to help with planning and execution of the CRC weekend.

Helping organize and run a CRC is a great way to begin your involvement with ASHRAE. You will learn about the inner workings of the Chapter and Region, and be doing a great service for the attendees.

If you are interested in volunteering to help with CRC 2020, please contact Kent or Tom by using the Contact Us form.

You can learn more about ASHRAE CRCs by visiting:

Thank you!

Adrian Beaudin - NAC President's Message 2019-2020


Dear ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter Members and guests to our website;

I am honored and privileged to serve as your Chapter President for the 2019-2020 term and very fortunate to be teamed up with an enthusiastic and supportive Board of Governors. Together, we are eager to kick-off the season. As a team we strive to enhance the role of our Chapter in our Society.

I am excited and will be looking forward to the Chapter program of events. This year’s agenda will consist of: intuitive lunch and dinner meetings with special guest speakers and DL’s, social events, Christmas Bureau fundraiser dinner event, NAC Golf Classic, Lobsterfest, YEA Socials, diversity in ASHRAE and several other events throughout, including hosting the ASHRAE Chapter Regional Conference - Chaired by Kent Signorini.

The success and mere existence of our Chapter does not happen unless we have the support of our members. Members that consist of Consultants, Owners, Contractors and Suppliers. Our chapter is extremely lucky to have your support. This support must continue to grow and evolve. We need to spark and strengthen that sense of community. I encourage those of you in the industry to sign-up and become a member.

Please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the board members with questions, suggestions or recommendations for new recruits. I’m excited to get the season rolling and look forward to engaging all of you in serving our Chapter.

 Best Regards,

Adrian Beaudin